A spirited, award-winning group serving the community of St. Charles, Illinois.
Meetings: 4th Monday of the month, March though October
Membership requirements:
— Attend at least ONE general meeting (excluding luncheons)
— Timely payment of annual dues (late fall)
— Participation in biennial Garden Walk, & each member is responsible for selling two (2) tickets
— Participate in at least ONE activity per year
Activities include:
• Planting of the Bridges (May & September)
• Providing refreshments for a monthly meeting
• Dining out for 'Eat & Earn' fundraiser
• Library and Municipal Center window displays
• River Corridor native plant maintenance
• Committee for the Spring or Fall Luncheon
• Create centerpiece arrangement for a Luncheon
• Other activities designated by the Executive Committee
Associate Membership
Eligibility is available to an active member who has given ten or more years of service to the Club, but finds it impossible to continue to participate in the Club duties and activities, and wishes through their dues and interest to support the aims of the Club. An Associate Member is entitled to all the privileges of the Club except voting. They shall receive the Club Yearbook. Application for Associate membership must be made to the Executive Board.
Honorary Membership
Available for any active member who has given 20 or more years of service to the Club. An Honorary member shall have the privilege of attending all meetings and participating in activities at his/her desire, but is excused from all duties and the payment of dues. They shall receive the Club Yearbook. Application for Honorary membership must be to the Executive Board
Current membership: Over 100
General Meetings
Held on the 4th Monday of the month:
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church in Wiley Hall (basement)
307 Cedar Ave., St. Charles, IL
11:30 am - Social time
Noon - Meeting begins, with program to follow
Check listing on Calendar page for off-site meetings.
Organized 1928 Over 100 Members
Club flower: Columbine Club newsletter: The Columbine