Pottawatomie Garden Club
A spirited, award-winning group serving the community of St. Charles, Illinois.
Meetings: 4th Monday of the month, March though October

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Landscape CommendationEvent Photos

Every other year the Pottawatomie Garden Club holds a garden walk for the public that showcases private home gardens in St. Charles, IL.  

This year, six spectacular gardens were offered to the public, along with the garden walk's popular Garden Gate Boutique and Plant Sale.   

The garden walk is the main fundraiser for our club, with proceeds going to fund many community efforts and non-profit organizations.  The price of a ticket via PayPal (on this website) was $21 ($20 plus $1 servicing fee).  Tickets were $20 each at local businesses.  All tickets were non-refundable. 

With the purchase of garden walk tickets from people like you, along with the generous contributions from our sponsors, our Garden Walk has always been a success.  So it is with sincere appreciation that we thank you for purchasing your ticket(s) to our Garden Walk.  The ticket is a lovely keepsake booklet (shown at right) and provides descriptions of the gardens, photos, a map to get you to the locations of the gardens, and a list of our sponsors.  

The gardens, all unique and charming, provided a wealth of ideas for your own garden. A treasure trove of delightful garden accessories and plants was offered at The Garden Gate Boutique at this year's Garden Walk. 

Organized 1928                        Over 100 Members
Club flower: Columbine             Club newsletter: The Columbine
Our Event Sponsor
Evergreen Landscape
Our Premium Sponsors
Edward Jones Financial Advisors 
Toby Zwingelberg and Jimmy Zwingelberg
Hotel Baker
Mercedes-Benz of St. Charles
Old Second National Bank
Midwest Groundcovers
Our Community Sponsors
Countryside Nursery and Garden Center
First State Bank
Heinz Brothers Greenhouse & Garden Center
The McKay Real Estate Group, Inc.
Jim Keller, OnPath Financial Services
Town House Books & Café
Wasco Nursery & Garden Center
The Ticket Booklet for the 2016 Garden Walk

2021 Garden Walk
Garden Walk attendees were able to purchase plants (above and right) and garden accessories, including hand-painted garden rocks (top right) at the Boutique.
2023 Garden Walk in Review
2025 Garden Walk- Saturday, June 28th. Details to come soon.