A spirited, award-winning group serving the community of St. Charles, Illinois.
Meetings: 4th Monday of the month, March though October
About the Club... When We Meet...
FROM OUR PRESIDENT ------------------------
Happy 97th year Pottawatomie Garden Club! I am so very proud to be your 2025 President and cannot wait to enjoy the friendships, camaraderie and garden events that await all of us!
This year will bring new and exciting educational programs provided by our committee members who work hard behind the scenes to bring us opportunities to learn and grow. Get involved! If you are a newer PGC member, the bridge planting in May and September are always a great way to meet people and get your hands dirty at the same time! St. Charles looks absolutely stunning when we finish planting.
During the summer months, join us as we celebrate many members' gardens. Twilight Garden Walks are planned for Tuesday evenings. Come take a stroll through the lovely landscape, sip a cool drink and converse with friends. So remember to sign up to showcase your garden this summer!
Let's not forget this is also a Pottawatomie Garden Walk year! Saturday, June 28th proves to be a special day showcasing seven beautifully kept gardens and attractive landscapes. We will also again feature the Garden Gate Boutique and Plant Sale. This event helps fund college scholarships and PGC awards annually to local students pursuing higher education. Watch for more information; we will need everyone's support to make this even successful.
Connie Unger, 2025 PGC President
We invite you to join us at a meeting or event!
"Green fingers are the extension of a
verdant heart." Russell Page
Organized 1928 Over 100 Members
Club flower: Columbine Club newsletter: The Columbine
General Meetings - See our Calendar page
Location of monthly meetings:
Baker Memorial United Methodist Church, Wiley Hall (basement), 307 Cedar Ave., St. Charles, IL
11:30 am - Noon Social Time
Noon - 1 pm Program
1 pm - 2 pm Business Meeting
Note: Some monthly meetings may be held off-site. Check listing on Calendar page for off-site meetings.
President .......................................Connie Unger
Vice President.................................Deb Schmalholz
Recording Secretary..........................Heidi Dahl
Corresponding Secretary.....................Kelly Potts
Treasurer.........................................Jackie Docimo
Immediate Past President..................Linda Hefferin
The Pottawatomie Garden Club
2025 Executive Board
Fox River Corridor Project -- PGC Workday
Bridge Planting mums on Illinois Avenue over the Fox River.
Civic...................................Christa Bormann
Community Outreach............Dawn Morgando, Estelle Grant
Historian/Parlimentarian........Diane Conn
Hospitality...........................Dawn Morgando, Estelle Grant
Landscape Commendation.....Sandy Menke
Membership.........................Desnee Kramer, Pat Bowers, Connie Goetz,
Lorna Marquis, and Alice Steffen
Memorials............................Diane Winkler
Newsletter............................Betsy Anderson
Programs.............................Ruth Ann Seney, Donna Gray, Janice Pots,
and Sharon Darling
Publicity...............................Christie Slack, Laura Bowen
Resource Development..........Judy Schlarb
Scholarships.........................Mark & Stevie Meginness
Social Media.........................Laura Bowen
Twilight Gardens...................Ellen Smith, Mary Wray,
Maribeth Gould
Website...............................Kristie Sandoval
Yearbook.............................Sherri Rinker
The Pottawatomie Garden Club 2025 Board Committee Chairpersons
The club holds monthly meetings on the 4th Monday of the month from March through October unless otherwise noted on our Calendar. At monthly meetings we enjoy guest speakers, luncheons, or jaunts to points of interest. The program is held first, followed by the business meeting. Our monthly meetings offer great opportunities to socialize and share and learn with fellow garden club members. The meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted on our Calendar. We welcome every level of gardener and every contribution of time and energy.